Get Started

Let’s start python3, and write some appi calls:

$ python3
Python 3.4.5 (default, Nov 29 2016, 00:11:56)
[GCC 5.3.0] on linux
type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import appi

Play with atoms

Something you must be familiar with are “query atoms”, these are the strings used to query atoms with emerge and such tools. appi.QueryAtom is a class representing this kind of atoms, it enables you to check if a string is a valid atom or not.


There is also a DependAtom which represents a dependency atom as found in ebuilds. It is not covered in this quick start but it behaves, to some extent, the same as QueryAtom.

Check atom validity

>>> appi.QueryAtom('dev-python/appi')
<QueryAtom: 'dev-python/appi'>
>>> appi.QueryAtom('=sys-apps/portage-2.4.3-r1')
<QueryAtom: '=sys-apps/portage-2.4.3-r1'>
>>> appi.QueryAtom('This is not a valid atom')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/appi/", line 62, in __init__
    raise AtomError("{atom} is not a valid atom.", atom_string)
appi.atom.AtomError: This is not a valid atom is not a valid atom.
>>> from appi.exception import AtomError
>>> try:
...     appi.QueryAtom('>=dev-lang/python')
... except AtomError:
...     False
... else:
...     True


QueryAtom only checks that the atom string is valid, not that an ebuild actually exists for this atom.

>>> appi.QueryAtom('this-package/does-not-exist')
<QueryAtom: 'this-package/does-not-exist'>
>>> appi.QueryAtom('~foo/bar-4.2.1')
<QueryAtom: '~foo/bar-4.2.1'>


If you try to parse atoms without category name, you will notice that it raises an AtomError while it is actually a valid atom. There is a strict mode enabled by defaut, which makes package category mandatory in order to avoid dealing with ambiguous packages. You can easily disable this behavior by setting strict=False.

>>> appi.QueryAtom('=portage-2.4.3-r1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/appi/", line 71, in __init__
    atom_string, code='missing_category')
appi.atom.AtomError: =portage-2.4.3-r1 may be ambiguous, please specify the category.
>>> appi.QueryAtom('=portage-2.4.3-r1', strict=False)
<QueryAtom: '=portage-2.4.3-r1'>

Inspect atom parts

QueryAtom does not only check atoms validity, it also extracts its components.

>>> atom = appi.QueryAtom('=dev-lang/python-3*:3.4::gentoo')
>>> atom
<QueryAtom: '=dev-lang/python-3.4*:3.4::gentoo'>
>>> atom.selector
>>> atom.category
>>> atom.package
>>> atom.version
>>> atom.postfix
>>> atom.slot
>>> atom.repository
>>> atom2 = appi.QueryAtom('foo-bar/baz')
>>> atom2.selector
>>> atom2.version
>>> atom2.category

And much more!

Now, would you like to get the list of ebuilds that satisfy this atom? Nothing’s easier!

>>> atom = appi.QueryAtom('=dev-lang/python-3*:3.4::gentoo')
>>> atom.list_matching_ebuilds()
{<Ebuild: 'dev-lang/python-3.4.3-r1::gentoo'>, <Ebuild: 'dev-lang/python-3.4.5::gentoo'>}

Well, this brings us to ebuilds.

Go on with ebuilds

An appi.Ebuild instance represents the file describing a given version of a given package.

Check ebuild validity

Just as with atoms, you can check the validity of an ebuild by instantiating it.

>>> appi.Ebuild('/usr/portage/sys-devel/clang/clang-9999.ebuild')
<Ebuild: 'sys-devel/clang-9999::gentoo'>
>>> appi.Ebuild('/home/tony/Workspace/Funtoo/sapher-overlay/x11-wm/qtile/qtile-0.10.6.ebuild')
<Ebuild: 'x11-wm/qtile-0.10.6::sapher'>
>>> appi.Ebuild('/usr/portage/sys-devel/clang/9999.ebuild')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.4/site-packages/appi/", line 58, in __init__
    raise EbuildError("{ebuild} is not a valid ebuild path.", path)
appi.ebuild.EbuildError: /usr/portage/sys-devel/clang/9999.ebuild is not a valid ebuild path.
>>> from appi.exception import EbuildError
>>> try:
...     appi.Ebuild('/usr/portage/sys-devel/clang/clang-9999')
... except EbuildError:
...     False
... else:
...     True
>>> appi.Ebuild('/Unexisting/overlay/path/foo/bar/bar-1.5a_pre5-r12.ebuild')
<Ebuild: 'foo/bar-1.5a_pre5-r12'>


Note that currently, valid paths to unexisting files are considered valid ebuilds. This behavior is very likely to change as of version 0.1 since reading the ebuild file will be needed to extract some information such as slots and useflags. Thus, the Ebuild constructor may also raise OSError exceptions such as FileNotFoundError in future versions.

Inspect ebuild parts

>>> e = appi.Ebuild('/usr/portage/sci-libs/gdal/gdal-2.0.2-r2.ebuild')
>>> e.category
>>> e.package
>>> e.version
>>> e.repository
<Repository: 'gentoo'>
>>> e.repository.location

And much more

You can check if an ebuild matches a given atom:

>>> e = appi.Ebuild('/usr/portage/app-portage/gentoolkit/gentoolkit-0.3.2-r1.ebuild')
>>> e.matches_atom(appi.QueryAtom('~app-portage/gentoolkit-0.3.2'))
>>> e.matches_atom(appi.QueryAtom('>gentoolkit-0.3.2', strict=False))
>>> e.matches_atom(appi.QueryAtom('>=app-portage/gentoolkit-1.2.3'))
>>> e.matches_atom(appi.QueryAtom('=app-portage/chuse-0.3.2-r1'))

Finally, let’s checkout versions

Atom and ebuild objects both define a get_version() method that returns the version number as a Version object.

>>> atom = appi.QueryAtom('=x11-wm/qtile-0.10*')
>>> atom.version
>>> atom.get_version()
<Version: '0.10'>
>>> [(eb, eb.get_version()) for eb in atom.list_matching_ebuilds()]
[(<Ebuild: 'x11-wm/qtile-0.10.5::gentoo'>, <Version: '0.10.5'>), (<Ebuild: 'x11-wm/qtile-0.10.6::gentoo'>, <Version: '0.10.6'>)]

Inspect version parts

>>> v = Version('3.14a_beta05_p4_alpha11-r16')
>>> v.base
>>> v.letter
>>> v.suffix
>>> v.revision

Compare versions

>>> v1 = Version('2.76_alpha1_beta2_pre3_rc4_p5')
>>> v2 = Version('1999.05.05')
>>> v3 = Version('2-r5')
>>> v1 == v2
>>> v1 > v3
>>> v1 < v2
>>> v3.startswith(v1)
>>> Version('0.0a-r1').startswith(Version('0.0'))