
A “query atom” is an atom that is used for querying a package, this is the kind of atoms accepted by emerge for instance.

There also exist DependAtom that have a slightly different format and is used by DEPEND variables in ebuilds.

QueryAtom(atom_string, strict=True)

Create a query atom from its string representation. atom_string must be a valid string representation of a query atom. The strict argument controls the “strict mode” state. When strict mode is enabled, the package category is mandatory and an error will be raised if it is missing. When strict mode is disabled, the package category is optional, which makes, for instance, =firefox-50-r1 a valid atom.


  • AtomError if atom_string is not a valid atom taking strict mode into consideration. Possible error codes:
    • missing_category The package category is missing, this can be ignored by setting strict=False.
    • missing_selector The package version was specified but the version selector is missing.
    • missing_version The version selector was specified but the package version is missing.
    • unexpected_revision The version contains a revision number while the version selector is ~.
    • unexpected_postfix The * postfix is specified but the version selector is not =.


>>> appi.QueryAtom('>=www-client/firefox-51')
<QueryAtom: '>=www-client/firefox-51'>
>>> appi.QueryAtom('=www-client/chromium-57*')
<QueryAtom: '=www-client/chromium-57*'>
>>> appi.QueryAtom('www-client/lynx')
<QueryAtom: 'www-client/lynx'>
>>> appi.QueryAtom('=www-client/links')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/appi/", line 79, in __init__
appi.atom.AtomError: =www-client/links misses a version number.
>>> appi.QueryAtom('google-chrome')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/appi/", line 71, in __init__
    atom_string, code='missing_category')
appi.atom.AtomError: google-chrome may be ambiguous, please specify the category.
>>> appi.QueryAtom('google-chrome', strict=False)
<QueryAtom: 'google-chrome'>


  • selector (str) The package selector (>=, <=, <, =, > or ~)
  • category (str) The package category
  • package (str) The package name
  • version (str) The package version
  • postfix (str) The package postfix (* is the only possible value)
  • slot (str) The package slot
  • repository (str) The name of the repository

All these attribute, excepted package, are optional and may be None.


>>> a = appi.QueryAtom('=dev-db/mysql-5.6*:5.6::gentoo')
>>> a.selector
>>> a.category
>>> a.package
>>> a.version
>>> a.postfix
>>> a.slot
>>> a.repository
>>> b = appi.QueryAtom('~postgresql-9.4', strict=False)
>>> b.selector
>>> b.category
>>> b.package
>>> b.version
>>> b.postfix
>>> b.slot
>>> b.repository

String Representation

The string representation of an atom is the raw atom string itself: <selector><category>/<package>-<version><postfix>:<slot>::<repository>


>> str(appi.QueryAtom('dev-db/postgresql'))
>>> str(appi.QueryAtom('<dev-db/postgresql-9.6'))
>>> str(appi.QueryAtom('>=dev-db/postgresql-8.4-r1::gentoo'))
>>> str(appi.QueryAtom('dev-db/postgresql:9.4'))
>>> a = appi.QueryAtom('=postgresql-9.4-r1', strict=False)
>>> str(a)
>>> a.category = 'dev-db'
>>> str(a)


This can be useful to change the package category of an existing instance as above if you want to read atoms without requiring category and infer it afterwards if it is not a ambiguous.

However, it is not recommended to change other attributes values. Validity won’t be checked and this can lead to incoherent atoms as illustrated below. We don’t prevent attributes from being altered, we assume you are a sane minded developer who knows what he is doing.

>>> # /!\ DONT DO THIS /!\
>>> a.selector = ''
>>> str(a)
>>> # Why would you anyway?

get_version() -> appi.Version

QueryAtom.version is a string representing the version included in the atom. get_version() returns it as a Version object.


>>> a = appi.QueryAtom('>=media-gfx/image-magick-7.0:0/')
>>> a.version
>>> a.get_version()
<Version '7.0'>

get_repository() -> appi.conf.Repository

QueryAtom.repository is the name of the repository included in the atom. get_repository() returns the repository a Repository object.

This may be useful if you want to get the path or other data from the repository.


>>> a = appi.QueryAtom('app-portage/chuse::gentoo')
>>> a.repository
>>> a.get_repository()
<Repository: 'gentoo'>
>>> a = appi.QueryAtom('app-portage/chuse::sapher')
>>> appi.QueryAtom('app-portage/chuse::sapher').get_repository()
<Repository: 'sapher'>
>>> appi.QueryAtom('app-portage/chuse::unexisting').get_repository()

list_matching_ebuilds() -> {appi.Ebuild, …}

Returns the set of all ebuilds matching this atom.


>>> appi.QueryAtom('app-portage/chuse').list_matching_ebuilds()
{<Ebuild: 'app-portage/chuse-1.0.2::gentoo'>, <Ebuild: 'app-portage/chuse-1.1::gentoo'>,
<Ebuild: 'app-portage/chuse-1.0.2::sapher'>, <Ebuild: 'app-portage/chuse-1.1::sapher'>}
>>> appi.QueryAtom('app-portage/chuse::gentoo').list_matching_ebuilds()
{<Ebuild: 'app-portage/chuse-1.0.2::gentoo'>, <Ebuild: 'app-portage/chuse-1.1::gentoo'>}
>>> appi.QueryAtom('screen', strict=False).list_matching_ebuilds()
{<Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r9::funtoo-overlay'>, <Ebuild: 'app-vim/screen-1.5::gentoo'>,
<Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r9::gentoo'>, <Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.4.0::funtoo-overlay'>,
<Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r10::funtoo-overlay'>,
<Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.2.1-r2::funtoo-overlay'>, <Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.4.0::gentoo'>,
<Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r10::gentoo'>, <Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r3::gentoo'>,
<Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.0.3-r3::funtoo-overlay'>, <Ebuild: 'app-misc/screen-4.2.1-r2::gentoo'>}
>>> appi.QueryAtom('<screen-4', strict=False).list_matching_ebuilds()
{<Ebuild: 'app-vim/screen-1.5::gentoo'>}
>>> appi.QueryAtom('<screen-1', strict=False).list_matching_ebuilds()
>>> appi.QueryAtom('dev-lang/python:3.4::gentoo').list_matching_ebuilds()
{<Ebuild: 'dev-lang/python-3.4.5::gentoo'>, <Ebuild: 'dev-lang/python-3.4.6::gentoo'>}

matches_existing_ebuild() -> bool

Returns True if any existing ebuild matches this atom. False otherwise. Basically, it checks if list_matching_ebuilds() returns an empty set or not.


>>> appi.QueryAtom('dev-python/unexisting-module').matches_existing_ebuild()
>>> appi.QueryAtom('dev-python/appi').matches_existing_ebuild()
>>> appi.QueryAtom('~dev-python/appi-1.2.3').matches_existing_ebuild()
>>> appi.QueryAtom('screen', strict=False).matches_existing_ebuild()

is_installed() -> bool

Return True if any of the matching ebuilds is installed. False otherwise.